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Wall Stabilization

Napa, CA, USA

UPSI was called to investigate a leaning concrete block wall. The wall was leaning over 7" at the top of an 8' tall wall so we began immediate emergency engineering work...

UPSI was called to investigate a leaning concrete block wall. The wall was leaning over 7" at the top of an 8' tall wall so we began immediate emergency engineering work. We produced two engineering designs:

  1. For emergency shoring with temporary diagonal supports.

  2. For emergency shoring that would create a vertical wall that could be left in place.

The whole process took extensive coordination between the Board of Directors, UPSI Construction Manager, Geotechnical Engineer, Structural Engineer, City of Napa, and the affected owner.

UPSI orchestrated the diplomatic negotiations between all parties, the logistics of drilling (16) 15' deep piers in an 8' wide space, setting the steel I-beams, and setting the lagging.

The owners lost only 12" of their side yard - because we were able to drill through 16" of concrete footer adjacent the wall.

After monitoring the wall and discovering it had moved 1” over a 1.5 month period, the project became a sprint to stabilize this wall before the next rain cycle.

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